excursion: Parallel Time Distortion
excursion: Vortex-Control Phaser
(Theoretical speculation fx control vistas addressed as a philosophical reference paper)....
of this formless "interference" energy apparent as a higher ordered fx meta-language and therefore an inquiry into "specifics" is only the magnification of invisibility and can not be identified. The vistas of these conceptual modifications are a representation through time and space of a certain enterprise that otherwise can not be presented, or simply "reflective of specifics" or limited to a continuing inquiry in specifics (and perhaps luminous to the term "outer-limits") in vistas of a cumulative strategic fx meta-language that is the incentive of an investigation. In considering the extraordinary ongoing vitality of this mysterious forcefield and the causation of the activation of a device by the means of a signal via a telecaster fine tune-in coordination zone, the investigations continuum of these unconventional perspectives are categorically vistas in "obscurity" rather than clarification or lucidity. The intentions of comprehension are inconsistent with the inquiries of these instructional modifications, as understanding is contrary to assessments and observations of this continuing vitality. The "exacting science" of this "info-vacuum" forcefield is a continuing magnification of invisibility as a telescopic analogy and origin defined constructively as a limitless and precise window to invisibility within focused void outer-space. (see interpretation 08 background for this tangible illustration of the intangible.) The investigations continuum of an anomalous "info-vacuum" that which can not be known is an apparently frivolous consideration necessarily invisible or unseen to an all too often false irrational information age and therefore the intentions of this nebulous abstract speculation fx process are never to offer solutions of understanding, rather to present an exemplary philosophical cause of addressing the transcendental "that which can not be known" in the directive of this continuing inquiry in specifics "forcefield epistemology" context within this conceptual fx strategy. (see interpretation 21, definition 19)
....16) The precise accuracy of these exacting space-time anomaly fx inherent control panel characteristics are always
"one step beyond" mechanical electronic processes of constant and uniform rates. Constant and uniform
Final Nexus Espacetemps Effets Appareils presente....
(Final Nexus Spacetime Effects Devices presents)....
L' aube d'une nouvelle civilisation:
(The dawn of a new civilization:)
La dimension-gamma-commande guitare vortex-zone
investigations du forcefield continuum
(secteurs analogiques et midi)
(We can systemize control)...
Nous pouvons systematiser controle...