....02) FinalNexusSpacetimeFxDevices advances this speculation fx system as midi controlled or analog as
emphasized in disclosure 01, although the identity of these sectors is exclusive to vibrant midi digital computer
formats via guitar synthesizers, involving the mobile micro-technology of laptops. The term "gamma" implies 3-D
or space; the phrase "forcefield continuum" is identifiable in representation as the unlimited control of exacting
"space-time anomaly" fx devices as observed by the apparent supervision of a higher power. Theoretically, in this instructional sci-fi themed speculation fx process, the categorically unknown phenomenon of hypothetical possible "teleportation" of an
instrument by an "interference energy" essentially directs this characteristic sonic "vortex-zone" (v-z) fx system, implicitly suggesting in theme specific "forcefield" manipulations of space and time. All of these invisible
anomalous phenomena obviously emphasize perception idealistically and not scientifically, founded entirely on the pretext of
an unknown sonic energy "interference" that has no immediate grounds for proof or disproof in the physical world. The
fundamental definition of dimension-gamma-command perspectives follows this science-fiction temperament in
exacting electronic fx devices as a systematic representative integration of an inaccessible forcefield continuum that is
undefined. The invisible phenomenon of the interaction of these conceptually modified fx as a variable space-time wave-flux snow-noise phaser and flanger type process are a sonic "vortex-zone" (v-z) indication, hence the inquiry of "v-z investigations" in these perspectives (see interpretation 12). In "dimension-gamma-command" modifications, an instrument effect is hypothesized thematically as the
immediate result of the enterprise of a specific force acting within the parameters of time and space thats defined as the variable systematization of a
spatiotemporal world controlled and specified entirely by the precise and accurate control panel characteristics of directing
analog or midi electronic agencies. Therefore a theoretical conclusion following the notion of this