excursion: Parallel Time Distortion
excursion: Vortex-Control Phaser
(Official representational terminology)
(Theoretical speculation fx control vistas addressed as a philosophical reference paper)....
01) signal- 1. an electrical quantity or effect (as current, voltage, electric field strength, or sound) that can be varied in such a way as to convey information, or by which messages or information can be transmitted. 2. anything that serves to indicate, warn, direct, command, or the like.
02) system- a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole.
03) specific- 1. having a unique effect or influence or reacting in only one way or with only one thing; definite, exact. 2. having a special application, bearing or reference. 3. specified, precise or particular.
04) command- 1. the ability to control; mastery. 2. to overlook from or as if from a strategic position. 3. the power to overlook as if from an elevated place; scope or vision. 4. a signal that activates a device (as a computer); also, the activation of a device by means of a signal.
05) stratagem- 1. (intertellar salutation "we can systemize control") a cleverly contrived trick or scheme for gaining an end. 2. (strategy)- a careful plan or method: a clever stratagem; the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems towards a goal. (strategic)- necessary to or important in the initiation, conduct or completion of a strategic plan; of great importance within an integrated whole or to a planned effect.
06) investigation- 1. to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry. 2. to conduct an official inquiry into. 3. a systematic and thorough attempt to learn the facts about something complex, unique or hidden, often conducted in a formal and official manner.
07) continuum- a continuous extent or whole with no discernible division into parts. (The term "extent" is never considered within the context of space or time, and only applies directly to the always open to question interstellar salutation "we can systemize control" (see interpretation 01).
08) invisibility- incapable by nature of being seen (see "magnification of invisibility" interpretation 08).
Terminologie representatif officielle
Final Nexus Espacetemps Effets Appareils presente....
(Final Nexus Spacetime Effects Devices presents)....
L' aube d'une nouvelle civilisation:
(The dawn of a new civilization:)
La dimension-gamma-commande guitare vortex-zone
investigations du forcefield continuum
(secteurs analogiques et midi)