excursion: Parallel Time Distortion
excursion: Vortex-Control Phaser
(Theoretical speculation fx control vistas addressed as a philosophical reference paper)....
vi) dgc Wave-flux compressor - a "forcefield" reception as a wave-fluxuation of spatial compression signifies the "activation of a device by the means of a signal" (see effect vii below).
vii) dgc Wave-flux nullifier - a disturbance or interference that transfers energy progressively in a spacetime fx medium as the slightest variation of electric intensity or potential, i.e., wave-fluxuation of volume suppression and expression (slow wave tremolo) signifies the "activation of a device by the means of a signal".
viii-ix) dgc Vortex-control phaser - (and vortex-control flanger) a phaser or slightest phase shift cycle is like a sonic swirl allure or vortex-zone (v-z) "forcefield" (and hence a nexus) constant within device parameters of variable rate and intensity or potential of fx "sweep." (see interpretation 20, definitions 22 and 23).
(note: "parallel time distortion" is a
sonic time delay effect, not to be confused with the vast analog "index of the distortion table" from overdrive to "fuzz" fx involving sustain, resonance, harmonics, feedback, equalization, etc.; note: the acronym "midi" is the abbreviation for "musical instrument digital interface.")

"We can systemize control" continuing vistas of assume control is an interstellar salutation of a sonic vortex-zone (v-z) investigation and the meaning of this outer-limits salutation is nebulous and always open to question.... The luminous hallmark of Final Nexus Spacetime FxDevices is a quasi-electronic symbol for "variable-resistance with v-z" designating the unlimited "vortex-control" phaser and flanger type fx indications of this conceptual fx "spectrum." This descriptive "nexus" hallmark symbolizes a sci-fi technology idiom and not a scientific phrase, founded entirely on the pretext of this unknown "interference" energy... The term "enthusiast" in this paper always implies electronic enthusiasm for the "astral sonic consciousness of a specific forcefield." This abstract fx control intimation is disclosed by the curator at www.finalnexus.space (refer to the end of the "Assorted Inquiries" chapter for details.)
Final Nexus Espacetemps Effets Appareils presente....
(Final Nexus Spacetime Effects Devices presents)....
L' aube d'une nouvelle civilisation:
(The dawn of a new civilization:)
La dimension-gamma-commande guitare vortex-zone
investigations du forcefield continuum
(secteurs analogiques et midi)
(We can systemize control)...
Nous pouvons systematiser controle...