excursion: Parallel Time Distortion
excursion: Vortex-Control Phaser
(Theoretical speculation fx control vistas addressed as a philosophical reference paper)....
categorically invisible and without form: the continuing investigation with the instructional sonic "v-z" fx phenomena of this formless "interference" energy as an integrated spatiotemporal systematization is an unlimited refinement of the unknown or that which can not be known. This exacting magnification of invisibility involving the parallel time distortion or compression space modulator effect concerning an imperceptible "info-vacuum" suggests a constructive avenue from the foundation of a strategic or "sonic field of command" as a resolution to this mysterious primary directive. Intrinsically, this continuing magnification of invisibility as a telescopic analogy and origin can be defined constructively as a limitless and precise window to invisibility within blank outer space. "Mastery" of the limitless ability to control the parallel time distortion or compression space modulator device with a telecaster instrument is only a reflection of the enterprise of a specific forcefield, or an inquiry in obscurity with an "info-vacuum" that which can not be known. In this continuum the acting power of an influence or enterprise is "to affect or alter by indirect or intangible means," and this definition is tangibly illustrated and specified in the exacting and precise electronic accuracy of these characteristic fx indications. The implications in the direction from this accuracy are necessarily continuing vistas in obscurity rather than clarification or lucidity and therefore remain undefinable; the influence of this direction is present as a representation of this unknown forcefield. The unknown phenomenon of command and control from this invisible fx interaction or causation of the activation of a device by the means of a signal via telecaster is symbolically and electronically presented by a higher ordered "vortex-zone" (v-z) meta-language by the variable systematic integration of this otherwise - inaccessible force from a conceptual fx "spectrum."
....09) The luminous principles of this highly speculative fx process and the extensive applications of a foundation control theory are not necessarily grounded on the
affinities of electronic workshop enthusiasts
Final Nexus Espacetemps Effets Appareils presente....
(Final Nexus Spacetime Effects Devices presents)....
L' aube d'une nouvelle civilisation:
(The dawn of a new civilization:)
La dimension-gamma-commande guitare vortex-zone
investigations du forcefield continuum
(secteurs analogiques et midi)
(We can systemize control)...
Nous pouvons systematiser controle...